Even though we are not friends of hippies, we're starting off with some favorite hippie music -- the Beatles. But these are all covers. Listen to untitledartist (opens in new window), then match the songs (1-10) with the following artists:
- Bar-Kays
- Los Fabulosos Cadillacs
- Dionne Farris
- Bobby McFerrin
- Pahini Brothers
- The Pretenders
- Otis Redding
- Richard Thompson
- Tuck & Patti
- U2
More Rules (edited): XWL asks about Googling. Only award yourself points for those you know without googling. Obviously I can't stand over you with a Nun ruler, so I'll borrow from the guidelines Ken Jennings uses for his Tuesday Trivia:
As with all good trivia, it would take you about 30 seconds to Google the answers. So you're on the honor system here: no peeking, and only send in the answers you knew off the top of your head.
Unless otherwise noted, spoiler discussions are allowed in the comments. So discuss the answers as much as you want in the comments and if you're still guessing then avoid the comments until your answers are ready.
XWL is in first with 14 out of 20 points. I'll award an additional point for promptness. He's also provided some google answers, but one of those is incorrect. Ha! I take away one point for you, Googleboy!